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2014-2015 Assessments


Field Test for Grades 6, 8 and 11


Machine scored:

Part 1 + Part 2=50 


##Performance Task:

Grades 6 and 8 will be the 


Grade 11 will be a similar 

task, not MDPT, but 




Multidisciplinary Performance Task


KSDE is excited to announce the release of formative assessment items to assist students in preparation for the HGSS field tests in grades 6,8 and High School this spring.  Please go to the link below to begin using this great resource.


MDPT Scoring Basics and Rubrics


Multidisciplinary Performance Tasks (MDPT): Basics


Most Multidisciplinary Performance Tasks will include:

·       Stimuli

o   A combination (approximately 2-3) of short, related texts


§  Grades 6-8: about 1000 words total

§  At least one graphic (e.g., chart, map, timeline, story arc)

·       Guiding questions

·       Prompt

·       Note: Some tasks vary slightly from the information above. For example, most HGSS-related tasks will not include a graphic.


The task is split into two parts:


·       Part 1: Read Stimuli and Take Notes

o   Approximately 50 minutes

o   Read stimuli

o   Read and consider guiding questions

o   Take notes

o   Note: Students will not have the prompt during Part 1.


·       Part 2: On-Demand Writing in Response to Prompt

o   Approximately 50 minutes

o   Read prompt

o   Review stimuli and notes from Part 1

o   Write response

§  Grades 6-HS: expected length 3-5 paragraphs

o   Note: Only the response from Part 2 will be scored.


Multidisciplinary Performance Tasks (MDPT): 2015 Field Test


All writing types will be included in the MDPT field test in 2015 as determined by the possible content area tests scheduled for administration in future years.




A variety of topics will be included. For example, some tasks may be related to general interest topics, science, or social studies. Beginning in 2016, these tasks will count toward only the ELA score.


HGSS tasks will be Narrative, Opinion / Argument, or Informational / Expository but most commonly OA. Beginning in 2016, these tasks in grades 6 and 8 will count toward the HGSS score and the ELA score. The grade 11 task will count toward only the HGSS score.


Note: For high school, additional field tests for the MDPT will be scheduled for 2016.


The scoring rubrics for the Multidisciplinary Performance Task (MDPT) are now available on the ELA portal. Please look for the heading “Multidisciplinary Performance Task Rubrics” on the lower right side of the page.






FACT SHEET 2013 - 2014

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