A SHORT List of the Best Resources We Use!
There's always another website... but these are the collections of resources we refer to often in our work.
If you have a resource that you would recommend, please contact Lori at and we'll add it to the list.

A Resource Worth Checking Out
Read closely.
Think critically.
Be worldly.
Newsela is an innovative way to build reading comprehension with nonfiction that's always relevant: daily news. It's easy and amazing. Register now to see the impact Newsela can have on your classroom.
Perma-Bound - Books for the classroom - including instructional reading levels, Lexile, AR compatibility, etc.
Top Ten Things You Should Know About Reading
State Library of Kansas Research Site - Search for articles within readability level. Students can use the tool for researching for projects as well. Great site for locating articles by Lexile!
Make Your Own Graphic Organizer! - Can't find the right tool? Make your own on Teach-nology
Thinkfinity! - A collection of lesson plans from highly credible sources. Search by your state's Common Core Standards!
Lexile - Learn more about appropriate reading rates and how to use Lexile in your classroom.

Webcasts and Videos
Thinkfinity! - A collection of lesson plans from highly credible sources. Search by your state's Common Core Standards!
Webcasts and Videos