Access and Equity Roadshow

How is your district helping students of special populations prepared for future careers through CTE courses?
CLICK HERE for our quick recording of ideas for your Perkins V grant!

5% Special Population Training
The purpose of the training is to assist educators in improving participation and completion of non-traditional and special population students in CTE programs by increasing awareness of strategies.
Data Analysis of Special Population percentage of students enrolled in CTE courses.
Analysis of useful websites
Consideration of strategies to implement
Tools to use with staff members for processing.
Let's take a deeper dive into district data and analyze a comprehensive list of strategies specific to populations.
Review 1st roadshow takeaways
Discuss how the IPS system fits into the process
Analyze CTE data gaps / barriers / successes
Review strategies and district prioritization of goals
Provide additional information and resources based on district need
Create plans for moving forward